In the most recent edition of fast delivery, we will talk about the tradition of certain countries of eating with your hands, we will reveal a new way that restaurateurs have found to circumvent the law of payments in advance and we will introduce you to a another hidden restaurant.
First, eating with your hands is not a way of reserving only babies. Many nations have kept this tradition, and for several reasons. This is the case on the African continent but also in Oceania, in certain regions of Asia, in the Caribbean and now the experience is encouraged in certain restaurants of the metropolis. Eating with your hands would strengthen the intention of sharing the meal in community, family and friends. And it's probably easier than with chopsticks, right?
Then did you know that there is a new way for restaurateurs to ensure the presence of those who reserve? Just make them pay in advance ... but bypassing the law first. Indeed, it is impossible to charge a consumer for a service not rendered. This is why restaurateurs cannot require you to pay, not even deposit, when making a reservation. However, if the evening is rather perceived as an event, this law no longer applies. This is why some establishments suggest a fixed menu during the evenings of December 31 or February 14, the two worst dates for absenteeism. In the not-too-distant future, expect to see this trend gain momentum ...
Finally, another hidden restaurant will be revealed in the coming days. This is the restaurant that the owners of the Tite Frette Bières et compagnie of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu will launch and which will be called "Don't talk too much". With this name, quite obvious that the details are difficult to find on the web ... You will not know the exact address until the time of booking. Once there, don't look for the outdoor poster. There won't be any. This summer, a terrace will be fitted out, but in an interior courtyard, so out of prying eyes. This is another concept that will plunge us into the time of prohibition.