We are happy and sad at the same time... It is now possible to obtain Frite Alors! products in grocery stores, which is great news. However, there is no question of their famous fries sold in the frozen department.

Rather, it’s the three most popular flavors of mayonnaise.

For the amateur, it is a very good start. Finally, Frite Alors! sauces available elsewhere than in the restaurant! To accompany homemade fries, or even McCain french fries, there is nothing better. Also, try them with your next fondue...

The Montreal fries shop (there is also an address in Quebec City) placed the American, Aïoli and Frite Alors! mayonnaises on the shelves of some IGA in Montreal area. If sales go as planned, the distribution could be extended in the province and through other channels. And who knows if one day we will not find their fries...

To find sauces, head to the fresh products or near the butcher.

Frite Alors! offers ten addresses in Montreal in addition to making available a restaurant truck for corporate or private events.