Here is some other brief news to chew on: you will be able to purchase Cora's lunch products in grocery stores from 2022, you will also be able to eat at church and on a plane without even leaving the ground. Follow us for the details...
First, the nation's largest chain of breakfast restaurants will carry its branded products in grocery stores. Cora has partnered with St-Hubert to develop, produce, distribute and market these food products intended for grocery stores. At this time, it has not been possible to know the exact products that will be available. However, the two beloved brands of Quebecers agree that this union will be beneficial to all. As for the founder of the channel, Cora Tsouflidou, she continues her mission to promote the importance of lunch.
Second, a church in Drummondville will soon be transformed into a restaurant. It is the old Saint-Philippe church that will be modernized and transformed. For now, the church owner has approached the leaders of the Blaxton Pub & Grill chain to suggest the location. They are now looking for a franchisee to operate everything and oversee the renovations. There is no specific timeline for the moment, but everything suggests that a Blaxton will emerge in Drummondville.
Finally, it is not in an old church that a new restaurant was opened last week, but in an old plane! In Quebec City, the restaurant La Pizz ’737 is located on the 737 site of the airport. There are 52 seats inside and it is possible to have take out orders. On the menu, 11 varieties of pizza and a choice of thin or traditional crust. In addition, customers can use the flight simulator in the cockpit free of charge for 15 minutes while waiting for their meal.