Large carnivores in the world are often pampered at the restaurant in terms of choice of meat on the menu. While meat contain good proteins, they are also high in fat. Of course fat is essential for our body and its functioning, as to produce hormones, ensure absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and the formation of our cells, among others, but still fat fat and provides 9 calories per gram to our organization. To increase our chances of losing more books in a process of losing weight and being healthier, it is recommended to opt for mostly lean meats. Why? In fact, the animal meat contains cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Too much consumption of this fatty acid is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and of developing certain cancers, as to create a surplus of long-term weight.

What are the leanest meat?
If you are among the largest carnivores on the planet, here are the most popular cuts of meat and fat content to help you make better choices.

Meat Qty Qty total fat per gram of saturated fat per gram
Deer 3 g 1 g
Turkey (breast) 5 g 2 g
Horse 6 g 2 g
Veal (roast, chop, cutlet) 7 g 2 g
Skinless chicken (breast) 7 g 2 g
Beef (loin, rib roast, against steak, eye of round) 9 g 3 g
Lamb (hock, kidney) 10 g 3 g
Pork (loin, inside round cutlet) 10 g 3 g
Source: Canadian Nutrient File, 2005

Among these choices, deer, turkey and horse would be in the top three preferred the restaurant and in your everyday life, because they contain less total fat per gram, but less fat especially saturated. If these types of meat is not on the menu, you can always turn to veal and chicken without the skin that are also interesting. Always remember that Health Canada recommends a maximum of 3 meals of red meat per week had their content in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Feel free to replace some of your meals per week of red meat with chicken, fish or tofu or legumes to help you in your process of weight loss and to ensure better health!