Do you think restaurants know you well enough? Just enough to know what to do to get you back? In a large majority, it seems that this is not yet the case. A recent survey sheds light on your five key areas that owners are still ignoring.

We recently told you about restaurants that include drug to create a dependency among their customers, but remember that there are many other ways, much more legal and less dangerous, for loyalty.

Among other things, owners just have to create an inviting outdoor environment. They can leave a good first impression with the right landscaping, parking and lighting.

Also, they should stick to the bare minimum when it comes time to furnish the tables. You will agree, the tables are often congested, usually leaving very little space for plates!

Moreover, the menus are sometimes faded or dirty. Remember, it is one of the first opportunities to get acquainted with the image of the restaurant... Please bring more menus on tablet!

Then comes the noise. To be up to date, some restaurants have changed their design. As fashion is to wood and open plan kitchens, the volume is increasingly high.

Finally, it is important not to overlook the toilet! This is the element most often criticized on the internet, after the quality of the food. Owners have to look at the quality of the toilet paper and hand towels... in addition to cleanliness!

What other details do you care about?