People with diabetes should monitor their loan supply; the amount of sugar, the amount of fat, portion sizes, etc. You the people, enjoy a meal at the restaurant can be somewhat more difficult not knowing all the dishes and their preparation and cooking. To simplify your life, Simple Nutrition has listed a few tips to help you make the best choices when dining out.

Tips for choosing dishes

1- Take the time to visit the website of the restaurant to look at the menu before you go there

2. Limit your visits to the buffet; it is sometimes difficult to control and be aware of the amount of food consumed

3- To avoid consuming too much bread while waiting for your meal, nothing beats a healthy snack (yogurt, nuts, fruits, cheese <20% fat) 1-2 hours before arrival, while adjusting your medication depending on the time of your dinner

4. Limit alcohol intake to one drink

5- Do not be shy to ask what is made the dish you want

6- When choosing your entries, limit your sugar intake and fat starting with a vegetable soup, a small garden salad, carpaccio or tartare small instead of fried calamari, nachos, sticks cheese or terrine of foie gras.

7. Opt for half portions when available. The half portions are usually sufficient to fill you up.

8. Emphasize coaching vegetables or steamed rice with fried

9. Ask to dressing and / or sauce served with your meal in a separate container to allow you to weigh yourself the amount

10. Emphasize meat, poultry and fish baked or grilled rather than fried or breaded

11- Do not force yourself to finish your plate. If the remaining amount is substantial, ask your server to put everything in a bag to take home.

12. Emphasize less sweet and less fat desserts like fruit salads, yogurt or, share a piece of cake

13. Choose more for tea, herbal tea or regular coffee instead of alcohol and coffee topped with whipped cream

14. Eat slowly. It takes 22 minutes for your brain to get the message that you have eaten enough and you are full

15. Make a habit of taking your blood glucose before and after a meal at the restaurant to realize the impact of your choice on your sugar levels

Generally, do not forget to consume a minimum of 3 balanced meals at regular times each day to help control your hunger, your energy, but especially your blood sugar.