When you go to the restaurant, the service accounts for much of our appreciation. A slightly marabout or else downright haughty server can ensure that we will not return to an institution, even if the food was good. Instead, unparalleled service we will smile. Servers, there are all kinds, but some are more original than others. Here are 5 restaurants where the servers really out of the ordinary:

1. Blind Servers
In Quebec, they are blind waiters who guide you in the restaurant O 6th sense. Customers are, indeed, in the dark to enjoy their meal. Blind so have a head start on them and know better than anyone drive customers into the room and to minister in the dark. There are several other restaurants offering this kind of experience with blind waiters, it's also the case of the restaurant in the dark, in Montreal.

2. Deaf Servers
In Toronto, all SIGNS restaurant team is hard of hearing. Customers are encouraged to use sign language to communicate with staff and place their order. Guides with pictures of course are provided to help. Otherwise, it is still possible to point the finger what is to eat!

3. Volunteers Servers
No doubt the restaurant staff Robin Hood, in Montreal, have wanted to be there, since they are volunteers. Everyone is invited to give a little time to be in the room or help in the kitchen service. The profits are donated back to charitable organizations in the community to counter loneliness, social isolation and poverty.

4. Servers children
Think again, children are not exploited here! Rather, it is a concept that allows children to cook a meal themselves and serve the customers in very specific: their parents. This is the KinderKookKafe restaurant, located in Amsterdam, which offers this experience.

5. singers Servers

On Broadway in New York, they are singing waiters who will welcome you at Ellens Stardust Diner. Real talent scout, the restaurant allows you to enjoy the vocal performance of your server that will climb on tables, microphone in hand, between the two platters!

For you, it is the restaurant service important? Can a server has already impressed you?