Delivery services such as DoorDash, Uber Eats and Skip are still talking about them this week. We'll explain how in a moment. We will also discuss some original ways to celebrate Valentine's Day at home and the financial assistance always available for restaurateurs.
First, while the Quebec government plans to crack down and propose a law that will force delivery services to cap the commission fees charged to restaurateurs, DoorDash has unveiled with great fanfare a program to help Canadian restaurants. affected by the measures imposed due to COVID-19. DoorDash would provide more than $ 1 million in local grants, up to $ 3,000 per restaurant meeting certain criteria: must be located in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, operate three branches or less, annual revenues of C $ 3 million or fewer in 2019 per branch, and employ 50 or fewer people per branch. Despite these tight criteria, do you think the company could improve its image in this way?
Then get ready for Valentine's Day this Sunday, February 14. Check around, several local restaurants have prepared special menus for the occasion. Warning! In some places you must order in advance and quantities are limited. For readers located in the orange zone, also remember to book your couple's evening at the restaurant because, yes, you can now have a meal in the dining room of the restaurants!
Finally, the financial assistance granted to businesses closed since the imposition of containment and curfew on January 8 will be extended and increased in certain cases. These loans, which are partly repayable in most cases, are seen as a lifeline by traders. Thanks to these sums, restaurant owners avoid investing their own personal money or borrowing again from the bank on less profitable terms. The beneficiaries of these loans also encourage all local businesses to apply for these sums in order to help them breathe financially and avoid sinking into discouragement.