In a transaction valued at approximately $ 537 million, the Ontario company Cara Operations puts his hand on the chain restaurant St-Hubert, Quebec. So what are 108 restaurants in Quebec involved in this transaction in addition to two centers disitrbution and two manufacturing plants.
The current president of Groupe St-Hubert, Jean-Pierre Léger, says it's a very nice news for the sustainability of the group. It seems that the desire to sell does not new as there have been discussions in recent years with Quebec's interests, without it lead to a transaction to ensure the sustainability of the St-Hubert Group.
Cara Operations plans to keep the head office in Laval to keep a foot in Quebec. The St-Hubert Group represents about 10,000 employees. The transaction is not yet official because it must receive all necessary approvals from the authorities. Everything should be concluded for the summer 2016 if all goes as planned.