At the restaurant, we are used to the model that dictates that we pay each item ordered at the price indicated ... but if we changed a little rules? Although the concept "pay what you want" does not exist yet in Quebec, it is interesting to know what is done elsewhere. Many restaurants around the world leave the choice to the customer to determine the price he wants to pay. Travelers, here are the good places to eat!
Lentil as anything- Australia
Lentil as anything is a non-profit Australian restaurant chain that serves vegetarian meals in exchange for a voluntary contribution. The customer is asked to pay what he likes and makes it all discreetly in a small box at the end of his meal. The waiters all work there on a voluntary basis.
Der Wiener Deewan - Austria
The Pakistani restaurant Der Wiener Deewan in Vienna, Austria is also in this spirit. It serves food buffet style and lets the customer to give the contribution of his choice according to the amount he has eaten and his appreciation of food and service.
The Table- Kentucky
In Louisville, Kentucky, The Table restaurant allows everyone to have a good meal in the restaurant. Indeed, the choice is left to the discretion of the client; he can pay the amount he wants according to his financial means or even volunteer time at the restaurant to pay the bill. The customer can also pay the suggested amount or leave an extra amount to pay the next. On the menu: soups, salads and sandwiches.
SAME Café- Colorado
In Denver, Colorado, SAME Café's mission is to make quality food accessible to all. A price is still suggested for each dish of the card, but customers are invited to leave the amount they want, whether it is higher or lower than the one proposed. If your pockets are empty, you can even exchange your meal for an hour of volunteering at the restaurant.
Soul Kitchen, New Jersey
This New Jersey restaurant was set up by the Jon Bon Jovi Foundation. Its vocation is to offer regional cuisine with local and organic ingredients (some of which come from their own garden). The restaurant offers three course meals to all guests. At the end of the meal, we are invited to donate or volunteer time at the restaurant. The menu is quite attractive and includes for example an artichoke bisque, an Asian salad with bock choy, grilled chicken, a Tuscan pork fillet and even a brownie for dessert.
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