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Saint-Sauveur restaurant

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Last evaluation for this restaurant

Global note :

  • etoile active
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  • etoile
  • etoile
  • 3/5

Evaluation added on October 19, 2013 by

Recently I returned to the Relais Grec in St Sauveur. My previous visit in June was delightful, the food was good, friends and I were made to feel as if we were at home.
Alas, my visit this time was not to be the same. I arrived with 4 others and although I had a reservation, we were made to wait for a long time at the door, (there were empty tables), while the hostess made no attempt to come to us. As we entered we were looked up and down by this “hostess” as though she was deciding if we were to be allowed to stay, it was uncomfortable to say the least. At long last we were seated by the very nice waitress. I asked who this woman was; I was told that (Olga) is part of the staff. I am very sorry to say, that this unpleasant women needs to be replaced. She is neither helpful, courteous or looks like she belongs in a restaurant. The food came in good timing and was delicious, as I had remembered it. My friends and I will definitely return, although I suggest to the owners that their "hostess" Olga needs to be replaced. Until this happens, I will not return, nor will I suggest to others to eat here. She made me and my friends feel like we were intruders. This is not the way to have a nice dining evening.

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Restaurants nearby

Vincent Sous-Marins Laval

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Le Relais St-Denis

61 Avenue Saint Denis (0.04 km)

Petinos Saint-Sauveur

75 Avenue de la Gare (0.17 km)

Manoir Saint-Sauveur

246 Chemin du Lac-Millette (0.2 km)


246 Chemin du Lac-Millette #2 (0.23 km)

Luna Rossa

90 Avenue de la Gare (0.24 km)

Restaurant coordinates

Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, J0R1R3


(450) 744-0266

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Available services

  • Bring your own wine Bring your own wine
  • Reservation accepted Reservation accepted
  • Food Delivery Food Delivery
  • Private rooms Private rooms
  • Buffet Buffet
  • Dining room Dining room
  • Take out Take out
  • Terrace Terrace
  • Wireless Internet access (WiFi) Wireless Internet access (WiFi)
  • Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair accessible
  • Drive-through Drive-through
  • Valet parking Valet parking
  • Playroom Playroom
  • Online Reservation Online Reservation
  • Online Order Online Order