Contrecoeur restaurant

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Last evaluation for this restaurant

Global note :

  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • 2/5

Evaluation added on June 25, 2015 by

They got good looking girl working there but the food the fries were greasy brown and soft my bread was torn so that every thing was falling out of it the tarp on the deck leaked on my food and me and my family food. could be a nice place needs more attention to costumers

  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile

Restaurants nearby

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8085 Route Marie-Victorin (1.65 km)

Maison Sous Les Arbres

90 Ch Grande Cote O (2.88 km)

Motel Villa D'Autray

671 Rte (2.88 km)

Restaurant coordinates

303 Rue Duhamel
Contrecoeur, Quebec, J0L1C0


(450) 587-2688

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