Metro station
Quebec > Région de Montréal > Montréal >

Station Laurier

List of Soups restaurants nearby metro Station Laurier

  • Ginza (0.31 km)

    No evaluations yet

    4593, rue St-Denis
    Montréal, Quebec, H2J2L4
    (514) 904-0079 Station Mont-Royal

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  • A Montreal brunch at Café Mimosa April 9, 2023

    A Montreal brunch at Café Mimosa

    Because we had to go to the Metropolis for a show at Club Soda with a couple of friends, we decided to combine business with pleasure and go for brunch. After some research among a myriad of choices, we opted for Café Mimosa, located on Sai... >>
  • A restaurant far from being October 31, 2021

    A restaurant far from being "pinched"

    Just because lobster is the specialty of the place doesn't mean the restaurant looks haughty.... >>
  • Small budgets? Go to Cinko! March 3, 2019

    Small budgets? Go to Cinko!

    I mentioned the Cinko restaurant in Montreal several times in different articles on Restoenligne.... >> ©2003-2024 (v3.1.7)
Chefs Road ©2013-2024