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Evaluations / Reviews Ying Wah Chinese Food Take Out

Global note :

  • 1/5

Evaluation added on June 29, 2015 by

This is THE WORST Chinese food I have ever had in my 66 years on Earth. If you value your intestinal health do NOT eat this food. You can honestly find better food in the dumpster behind a reputable Chinese restaurant. The Moo goo guy pen tasted like it was marinated in the urinal.The General tao chicken was black and all I could taste was soy and MSG. The chicken balls and fried rice was almost certainly scraped off someone else's plate, probably someone who couldn't eat it without throwing up at the table. Honestly, this place should be closed down by the City of Gatineau.

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Ying Wah Chinese Food Take Out
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Restaurant coordinates

123 Rue Front
Aylmer, Quebec, J9H5S9


(819) 684-9393

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