Québec restaurant

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Evaluations / Reviews supermarché XINYA

Global note :

  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • 4/5

Evaluation added on September 8, 2024 by

Enfin un grand surfaces pour les immigrants à Québec.
On retrouve des produits antillais, latinos, africain, asiatique

  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile active
  • etoile
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supermarché XINYA
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Restaurant coordinates

2300 Boulevard Père-Lelièvre
Québec, Quebec, G1P2T5


(581) 880-0888

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Opening hours

Opening hours

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Available services

  • Bring your own wine Bring your own wine
  • Reservation accepted Reservation accepted
  • Food Delivery Food Delivery
  • Private rooms Private rooms
  • Buffet Buffet
  • Dining room Dining room
  • Take out Take out
  • Terrace Terrace
  • Wireless Internet access (WiFi) Wireless Internet access (WiFi)
  • Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair accessible
  • Drive-through Drive-through
  • Valet parking Valet parking
  • Playroom Playroom
  • Online Reservation Online Reservation
  • Online Order Online Order
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