Greenfield Park restaurant

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Evaluations / Reviews Restaurant Le Commensal

Global note :

  • 4/5

Evaluation added on December 12, 2009 by

By miamm - Restaurant Commensal is a buffet type restaurant which means you choose what ever you want, but it's all vegetarian! The ingredient quality is very high and the food is very good. There are always new things to try and they have a lot of choice. Their dessert are also very very good!!!

They go by the weight for price, with a maximum price of 13$ for lunch and 15$ for dinner, so you always know if you go there it will cost you that or less.. quite a good deal...

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Restaurant Le Commensal
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Restaurant coordinates

4817 Boulevard Taschereau
Greenfield Park, Quebec, J4V2J1


(450) 676-1749

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