Sainte-Martine restaurant

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Evaluations / Reviews Le Reggiano

Global note :

  • 2/5

Evaluation added on May 31, 2022 by

We were a group of 30 and they served us one glass off water when we arrived at 5:30 pm and ignored us until 9:00 pm. I tried to order a drink and they told me they did not have any dishes available and had to pick up dirty dishes before bringing us a drink. When the food started to arrive, the waitress did not know who ordered what and was screaming who order this and nobody could hear because the karioke singer was louder then her. I could not find the seafood in my 3 cannelloni that cost $33

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Le Reggiano
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Restaurant coordinates

333 Rue Saint-Joseph
Sainte-Martine, Quebec, J0S1V0


(450) 427-2333

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