Offers an online ordering service ready to be implemented in your restaurant. In addition, offers a comprehensive guide to restaurants in your area and is equipped with a powerful search engine. Partner of the PIZZA FEST from the beginning to support the event in its communications, in the field and offering its free subscription to participants to increase their visibility.
LEARN MORELa mission ECO-LOGIXX: être à l’affut des besoins et tendances des restaurants à nappes blanches, restos urbains, hôtels et institutions
LEARN MORELemoncocco ™ est une nouvelle boisson non gazeuse de première qualité composée d'un délicieux mélange de saveurs de citron et de noix de coco. Naturellement léger et rafraîchissant, c'est le verre idéal pour l'après-midi ou le week-end
LEARN MOREITHQ is a training institution specializing in tourism, hotels and restaurants in Canada. The ITHQ supports the PIZZA FEST during its events, its great official award ceremony and its business development.
LEARN MOREÉNERGIE, the most listened radio in Quebec, joins the PIZZA FEST by promoting the event on the radio, online, through contests on social media and field activities in collaboration with BEN K7.
LEARN MOREILIOS offers a wide range of products from all around the world. ILIOS Pizzas, imported from France, are wood-fired and made with the freshest and highest quality ingredients. With toppings like real goat cheese and seasonal artichokes, indulge your senses with ILIOS pizza.
LEARN MOREThe Consulate supports the PIZZA FEST during its events and its great official prize giving.
LEARN MOREPizza Cvlt est une marque Française née d'une collaboration entre le tatoueur Matt Chaos et le lieux de création (La Troisième Porte). Un plat élaboré à partir de 2 passions : La Pizza et le Metal. Pizza Cvlt (Loin des croûtes, toujours à la pointe) dispo sur