Everyone remembers, in 2006, the implementation of the law prohibiting smoking inside bars and restaurants. For non-smokers, it was time for relief and celebration. As the air was clean! Only compromise, smokers can have a smoke on the terraces. But here's an outcry to prevent the compromise...

The Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control sounds an alarm about the outdoor areas of Montreal establishments, the presence of secondhand smoke is important and present a health risk.

Coalition officials have even hired a specialist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (United States) so that it makes an assessment of the air quality.

The result is the least traumatic. The air is mostly between 10 and 100 times more polluted by the smoke that the standard set by the World Health Organization. It is worse than in larger forest fires or in a smoggy day in an American metropolis.

Employees of restaurants and bars as well as their customers are exposed to a carcinogen.

Do you think the Government will take the message and change the law? Can the owners of restaurants and bars prevent this change?

What would you do?