Restaurant Montréal

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Évaluations / Avis restaurant sul viale

Note globale :

  • 2/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 7 janvier 2007 par

By Dan - The restaurant was about half full and still the service was terrible. I ordered a calzone and received a pizza, my girlfriend order a coke and never received it, and our table (of around 10) was crammed together despite the excess room of the restaurant. For some reason, they didn't decide to push another table over for our group.

Décor et ambiance

Note globale :

  • 4/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 21 septembre 2006 par

By Timothy - An amazing find in N.D.G, Amazing food at a great price, Definetly will be back when in town

Décor et ambiance

Note globale :

  • 4/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 24 août 2006 par

By Stephen - The first time we went, the restaurant was jammed and the service was not very good but the food was excellent. Second time, it was much less crowded and both the food and service were excellent.

Décor et ambiance
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restaurant sul viale
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Coordonnées du restaurant

5720 chemin upper lachine
Montréal, Québec, H4E2L6


514 485-0888

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