If, as nutritionist, I strongly encourage parents to cook regularly with their children and to emphasize home cooking meals of commerce, share a family meal at the restaurant does not mean that it is necessary for an activity proscribe any price.
Teaching good behavior face to the food supply
At home and outside the organization surrounding mealtime is a time to give children maximum favorable tools to healthy eating. However, selecting a restaurant and how to behave facing a large availability of food are also part of a useful legacy to pass. Seeing you appreciate and favor certain foods, the child is a way of acting.

For exchanges, discussions and discoveries
In theory, meal time should be one of exchanges, discussions and discoveries. By allowing time to eat and limiting distractions such as the TV, phone or computer, children and adults are more willing to open up to others, to enjoy foods that are presented to them and to realize of their hunger and satiety signals. To emphasize health, exchanges and discussions, the presence of distractions at mealtime should be considered when it comes time to choose a family restaurant. The restaurant can also be chosen according to the discoveries we can do it. This way, it allows the family to taste food or foods that are rarely at home menu, which will, in addition, serve as a source of inspiration.

Creating memories
The child records everything-almost. The places we choose to offer the family fun are very significant since they are memorized by children as positive experiences. Meals eaten on these occasions high risk becoming their "comfort food" of tomorrow. Major fast food chains have understood. And if you give them the opportunity to have fun in a place that puts health on the menu?
In short, eating out with children can be compatible with the health if the selected place helps teach good behavior face food supply, if it offers the opportunity to share, discuss and learn . Finally, let's not forget that children will surely remember the places where they had fun.