You've probably witnessed this distressing scene: a couple standing face to face at the restaurant, but radio silence between the two. Each is also riveted behind the screen of his phone. We got used to extinguish the cinema and theater, should we not do the same restaurant?

Here are 5 good reasons to close it before going to dinner:

1 Have a real discussion
As the saying goes, the absent are always wrong. So why pay more attention to those who are with you and those who share your meal? You took the trouble to go to the restaurant with them, take advantage of this moment to share with them. In addition, to see a person constantly on the phone can be hurtful. It's like saying to your guests that they are not interesting enough for you. Nothing beats the real human contact!

2 Get better service
No server like talking to customers-robots. If you throw them worth a look when ordering and you make them wait excessively because you have not yet chosen, too busy looking at your email, do not expect too much from them courtesy . By cons, if you take the time to greet them, thank them and ask for their personal recommendations, likely to be better served are increased tenfold.

3 Control your temper
You spend a nice evening in good company and then beep, a text message just throw a fly in the ointment. Bad news can quickly ruin the rest of your meal. Enjoy the moment and do not let external factors hinder your enjoyment.

4 Appreciating the really flat
You took care to choose wisely your restaurant, to select the best course and what do you do when it finally arrives? You capture it for show? And if you enjoy simply concocted the dish? You could taste at the perfect temperature when it arrived. Enjoy it just for you, selfishly!

5 Enjoy the atmosphere
Several restaurants are on the feet and hands to decorate tastefully to upbeat music, why would also be entertained in a virtual dimension? Enjoy the site and keep your eyes open; who knows, an interesting encounter could be at the next table.

And if these reasons are not enough, is that the impact on the bill might make you change your mind? A restaurateur in Isarel has decided to offer 50% discount to customers who close their cell! An idea that could make its way to Quebec?