Restaurant Vaudreuil-Dorion

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Évaluations / Avis Dorion Pizzaria

Note globale :

  • 2/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 10 décembre 2013 par

My boyfriend and I have ordered from this place every week for nearly a year now as we have always enjoyed their food. Last Thursday, we ordered two pizzas, one pepperoni for me and an all-dressed for him. He ate his all-dressed for supper and brought along two other slices for lunch the next day. He spent the next four days with with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe chills - all the hallmarks of food poisoning - and missed two days of work. I almost had to take him to the hospital.

That pizza was the only food for the entire week that he had ingested that I had not also touched, and I never got sick, so we're pretty darn sure something about that pizza made him sick. We called the pizzeria, asked to speak to a manager to ask if there had been any other complaints, DID NOT ask for any freebies, but the guy started yelling and insulting my boyfriend over the phone at the very idea that anything from his restaurant could have made someone sick because apparently they are infallible to germs. My boyfriend is a very non-confrontational type of person and was legitimately trying to warn them, but this manager/owner took to attacking him over the phone like a 5 year-old. Because of this person's deplorable behaviour we're going to have a find an new place to order from, it's too bad because we really did like the food. I also have the rest of the uneaten pizza and will be filing a complaint with the appropriate health department.

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Dorion Pizzaria
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Coordonnées du restaurant

24 Av St-Charles
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Québec, J7V2K5


450 424-0424

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Services disponibles

  • Apportez votre vin Apportez votre vin
  • Réservation acceptée Réservation acceptée
  • Livraison Livraison
  • Salons privés Salons privés
  • Buffet à volonté Buffet à volonté
  • Salle à manger Salle à manger
  • Commande pour emporter Commande pour emporter
  • Terrasse Terrasse
  • Internet sans-fil (WiFi) Internet sans-fil (WiFi)
  • Accès pour chaises roulantes Accès pour chaises roulantes
  • Service au volant Service au volant
  • Valet Valet
  • Salle de jeux Salle de jeux
  • Réservation en ligne Réservation en ligne
  • Commande en ligne Commande en ligne
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