Restaurant Pointe-Claire

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Évaluations / Avis Piazza Romana

Note globale :

  • 1/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 14 décembre 2013 par

My daughter went to celebrate her 18th birthday at Piazza Romano in Pointe-Claire Village. The restaurant was 1/2 full but staff took 1 hour to serve them with sub-standard food. Not to mention the waiter abused the fact that these are young kids and they ordered a 21$ 1/2 bottle of wine and he brought a $40 bottle of wine without consent because he thought that wasn't enough for 6 people (2 individuals were under age) and started arguing with them when the bill came. The manager was rude and obnoxious. I wouldn't go there again if you paid me. No wonder your restaurant is 1/2 full. I never would treat my clients like that. Shame on you for ruining someone's birthday!

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Piazza Romana
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Coordonnées du restaurant

339 Lakeshore Rd
Pointe-Claire, Québec, H9S4L6


514 697-3593

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