Restaurant Sherbrooke

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Évaluations / Avis Restaurant dans cie

Note globale :

  • 4/5

Évaluation ajoutée le 12 mai 2006 par

Par Ric - The name has changed to Resto Newport. Now we can bring our own wine or beer. Excellent choices on the menu and very tasty at reasonable prices. Lunch from 5.95$ and dinners from 8 $ +. Filet mignon at 18$ and sometimes less. A "bistro" menu is available. European style pastas and pizza as well as North American. Parking can be a problem for the number of spaces in the restaurant. Private dining rooms also available.

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Coordonnées du restaurant

355 rue King Est
Sherbrooke, Québec, J1G1B3


819 565-8161

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